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Mobile World News Video: MWC Barcelona 2024 - Day 2 Highlights

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Does your carrier support RCS? Here's a breakdown of the US carriers with official support
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 11:54:00 GMT The RCS standard might not be as widely adopted by US carriers as we might like, but Google has worked to ensure the feature can be enabled anyway.
Mobile money accounts hit 55mln with slight change of market share
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 22:35:00 GMT MOBILE money has continued to expand financial inclusion, as number of accounts increased to 55.7 million by the end of June this year from 47.2 million recorded at the end of June last year, with ...
Brands Should Let Us Restrict AI Processing To On-device Only
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 11:27:00 GMT Traditional artificial intelligence processing needs the cloud. Mobile devices simply don't have the computational muscle to handle it locally. But on-device artificial processing is an untapped game ...
Apple's RCS Texting Starts Improving Green Bubble Chats With iOS 18 Beta
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 03:01:00 GMT RCS is a more modern texting standard that's been tipped to replace the aging SMS and MMS formats, due to its ability to support features like typing indicators, group chats and high-quality media ...
Taking Passenger Satisfaction to the Next Level
Tue, 23 Jul 2024 04:01:00 GMT Icomera believes that the digital era of rail will open up a myriad of possibilities for operators to elevate passenger satisfaction.