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Why The Rabies Vaccine Is So Important | RobinsPost News & Noticias

Some pet owners are advocating against rabies vaccines. Here's why rabies is dangerous.

Hesitancy around vaccines has spilled over to pet owners, sparking concern about the resurgence of rabies, a virus that's nearly always fatal. Read More

Why the Whooping Cough Vaccine Is Important

The reason why it's so important to get the vaccination for whooping cough is, one, not just to protect yourself, but to protect others who may be very susceptible to whooping cough, and that's ... Read More

Some pet owners are advocating against rabies vaccines. Here's why rabies is dangerous.

“It’s essentially 100% fatal. So having a rabies vaccine for your cat and dog is really, really important on many levels.” Carlson stressed how important it is for people to talk with their ... Read More

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