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Janet Yellen on Why She Predicts a Soft Landing for the U.S. Economy
It has been a matter of debate among economists for a while: Can the U.S. economy achieve a so-called soft landing ... Janet Yellen, a former chair of the Federal Reserve, is confident it can. She ... Read More
Janet Yellen on Prospect of Soft Landing for Economy
At WSJ's CEO Council Summit, the Treasury secretary tells Nick Timiraos that she thinks continued economic growth with weakening inflation is the most likely outcome for the U.S. economy. Read More
Yellen says the Fed will need good luck and great skill if it's going to pull off a soft landing for the US economy
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said she was hopeful the Federal Reserve could achieve a soft landing ... Yellen's remarks come on growing concerns that the US economy could tip into a ... Read More
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