Amazon and Best Buy will highlight electronics with the label
A label calledthe "U.S. Cyber Trust Mark" will start appearing on connected devices in 2025 to help Americans buysecure electronics for their homes, including baby monitors, security cameras and voice-activated assistants,the White House said Tuesday.
"These devices are part of Americans daily lives," The White House said."But Americans are worried about the rise of criminals remotely hacking into home security systems to unlock doors, or malicious attackers tapping into insecure home cameras to illicitly record conversations."
To get the U.S. Cyber Trust Mark, companiesneed to have their devices tested by labs accredited by the Federal Communications Commission called Cybersecurity Label Administrators.
It isn't a requirement to get the label, but Amazon and Best Buy are among companies that plan to highlight products that havethe U.S. Cyber Trust Mark.
"We believe consumers will value seeing the U.S. Cyber Trust Mark both on product packaging and while shopping online," Amazon Vice President Steve Downer said.
The mark will also tell shoppers if a company plans to provide cybersecurity updates for their products and for how long, said Justin Brookman, director of technology policy atConsumer Reports.
Photo Credit: Consumer Affairs News Department Images
Posted: 2025-01-09 01:33:45