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Health News

Conversation Between The Universe And The CoronaVirus

Corona: Universe, why will you put me in the pangolin?

Universe: Because that animal is in danger of extinction. And still, men continue to hunt him to eat him. This will be the first stage of my lesson: men must not kill or eat animals.

Corona: Ok, Universe, but why do you want this to start in China?

Universe: China is the symbol of globalization and mass production. That country is overpopulated and with mass production comes mass pollution.

Corona: That is true, Universe, but isn't it also because other countries have a financial interest in it?

Universe: Yes, little one, that is why your mission will be to spread all over the world, and especially in those participating in that system, Europe, USA, oil-producing countries .....

Corona: What kind will I be?

Universe: You will be a virus that affects mostly the respiratory system.

Corona: But why Universe?

Universe: You see little one, these days men are endangering the planet. Pollution has become too intense and humanity doesn't measure its impact. Nothing more symbolic than breathing, do you understand?

Corona: Yes, but then it means that I will be dangerous?

Universe: You won't be more dangerous than many existing illnesses little one, and a lot less than the actual pollution which causes thousands of deaths! The difference is that you will be visible, obvious.

Corona: Ok, Universe, but do you really believe that this trick is going to work, I don't understand how?

Universe: You are right, tiny one, and that is why you will be very contagious. You will spread very fast, and your speed will be greater than your danger.

Corona: Ok, so if I am not that dangerous, do you think that they will be scared of me?

Universe: Yes, trust me, that is what I am counting on, fear, to trigger the evolution of the minds. It is only when man is scared that he might consider change.

Corona: You really think so, Universe?

Universe: Yes, little one, and I will add plenty to the situation to increase fear and awareness. Fear will take over so much that people will be confined at home. The world will stop, you'll see. Schools will close, public places too, and people won't be able to go to work.

Cruise ships, airplanes, trains, buses will be empty.

Corona: Wow Universe, that's too much. What do you expect out of all this?

Universe: That the world will change! That Mother Earth will be respected! That people will become aware of their stupidity, their lack of common sense, their mistakes and that they take the time to think about all of this. That they stop running, reconnect with their children and family and spend time with them. That they let go of outside stimulation as it won't be available. That they reconnect with themselves, that too is essential...

Corona: Ok, but that will be dangerous, the economy will collapse ....

Universe: Yes, there will be heavy economic consequences. But that is what it will take. And that is how, I hope, the world will become aware of its dysfunction. People will have to get back to a simple way of life, in touch with their community and helping each other.

Corona: How will I spread myself?

Universe: Through human contact, when people kiss, touch or get close to each other.

Corona: That is strange, Universe, I don't follow. You want to create bond by distancing?

Universe: Look how people function today. Do you think that they are bonded? Their connection is through virtual devices. Even when they take a walk, they look at their phone, not at nature. Even when they kiss, they are separated. So I am going to cut off all contacts and amplify what's wrong, keep them confined at home. At first they will enjoy the free time with their electronics but after a while they will be saturated. They will lift their eyes, discover their family, their neighbors, et they will open their windows just to look at nature.

Corona: You are tough Universe, you could have warned them before hitting so hard!

Universe: But Corona, before you I sent many other little ones, but they were too localized and not popular enough.

Corona: Are you sure, Universe, that men will understand this time?

Universe: I don't know, Corona, I hope so. Mother Nature is in great danger. And if that isn't enough, I'll do all I can to save her, there are other little ones like you waiting .... but I trust you, Corona, you will be very effective very quickly, pollution will diminish and that should bring some realization. Men are very intelligent, I trust their potential to wake up, to create new possibilities. They will see that pollution dropped drastically, that the risk of lacking from delocalization is real and that the real luxury in life isn't money but time and health. It will take a global burn out, because humanity is on overload and too conditioned to be conscious of it. It is up to you!

Corona: Thank you Universe, I am on my way .....

This article is posted for entertainment and commentary purposes only.

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Without the right exercises, your weight loss journey will take more time or, worse still, may never really take off. Aerobic exercise also helps relax blood vessel walls, lower blood pressure, burn body fat, lower blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation. Weight exercises body fat men. Weight exercises body fat male. Weight exercises body fat female. Weight exercises body fat at home. Fat burning exercises at home. Full body workout for weight loss female. Fastest weight loss exercise. Exercise for weight loss in 7 days! Track: Diviners - Change (feat. November Lights) Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch more NCS on YouTube: Free Download / Stream: #fat #belly #weightloss #standing

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Published: 12th Feb 2025 12:05:53   By: WORKOUT

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Play Video: A Digital Health Behavior Intervention to Prevent Childhood Obesity

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Published: 19th Feb 2025 10:01:50   By: Johns Hopkins Medicine

Medicine Video: Management Advances for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia—Integrating Fetal and Postnatal Care Webinar

Management Advances for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia—Integrating Fetal and Postnatal Care Webinar
Play Video: Management Advances for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia—Integrating Fetal and Postnatal Care Webinar

This webinar covered essential aspects of CDH care, emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach from prenatal diagnosis and fetal therapy to neonatal and pediatric care. Experts discussed key interventions at each stage, including prenatal management, postnatal surgery, and long-term follow-up. Designed for obstetricians, MFM specialists, neonatologists, pediatric surgeons, and other healthcare providers involved in high-risk pregnancies and neonatal care.

Published: 19th Feb 2025 09:52:48   By: Johns Hopkins Medicine

Medicine Video: Johns Hopkins Psychiatry Grand Rounds | Assisted Outpatient Treatment

Johns Hopkins Psychiatry Grand Rounds | Assisted Outpatient Treatment
Play Video: Johns Hopkins Psychiatry Grand Rounds | Assisted Outpatient Treatment

Recorded Grand Rounds from Johns Hopkins Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Cynthia Lewis, M.D. presented on the topic “Assisted Outpatient Treatment aka AOT” (February 10, 2025). Please note that the window for earning CME credit has expired. #assistedoutpatienttreatment #johnshopkins

Published: 19th Feb 2025 02:29:53   By: Johns Hopkins Medicine

Medicine Video: Ep. 11 Supporting Health Care Workers Through Credentialing and Licensing Reform | Johns Hopkins ...

Ep. 11 Supporting Health Care Workers Through Credentialing and Licensing Reform | Johns Hopkins ...
Play Video: Ep. 11 Supporting Health Care Workers Through Credentialing and Licensing Reform | Johns Hopkins ...

Join a conversation with Corey Feist, CEO of the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes’ Foundation, about the national movement to reform clinician licensing and credentialing by removing stigmatizing questions about seeking mental health support. The conversation highlights the need to recognize … Ep. 11 Supporting Health Care Workers Through Credentialing and Licensing Reform | Johns Hopkins Medicine Office of Well-Being Read More » (

Published: 18th Feb 2025 09:53:17   By: Johns Hopkins Medicine

Medicine Video: Latest Treatments for Subglottic Stenosis

Latest Treatments for Subglottic Stenosis
Play Video: Latest Treatments for Subglottic Stenosis

Laryngologist and airway surgeon Alexander Hillel describes the condition known as laryngotracheal stenosis, or scarring that develops at the level of the vocal cords and areas below it, which can result in difficulty breathing. He describes the three main causes of laryngotracheal stenosis: breathing tubes and/or tracheostomy tubes (iatrogenic laryngotracheal stenosis), autoimmune disease (granulomatosis with polyangiitis, formerly Wegener granulomatosis) and idiopathic subglottic stenosis, a rare disease that exclusively affects women and develops spontaneously when women are in their 40s or 50s. Idiopathic subglottic stenosis develops slowly, and the average time to diagnosis is over two years. Traditionally, idiopathic subglottic stenosis has been treated surgically either through endoscopic incision and dilation or cricotracheal resection. Since 2015, three new treatments have emerged: serial intralesional steroid injections (an in-office procedure), the Maddern endoscopic laryngotracheoplasty, and endoscopic laser wedge resection. Johns Hopkins has a multidisciplinary complex airway team that focuses on providing the best possible care for patients with laryngotracheal stenosis. Dr. Hillel’s NIH-funded lab is testing new treatments for idiopathic subglottic stenosis, including the use of everolimus, and developing a drug-eluting stent. #subglotticstenosis #johnshopkins 0:05 What is laryngotracheal stenosis? 0:28 What are the causes of laryngotracheal stenosis? 2:25 What are the main treatment options for idiopathic subglottic stenosis? 3:09 What are some emerging treatments for idiopathic subglottic stenosis? 4:27 Why come to Johns Hopkins?

Published: 18th Feb 2025 07:16:06   By: Johns Hopkins Medicine

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