Fast-Facts On MRI's Safety And Effectiveness In The U.S.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a medical diagnostic technique that creates images of the human body using the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance. On July 3, 1977, nearly five hours after the start of the first MRI test, the first human scan was completed. There has been extensive developments since its early conception with more than 34 million MRI exams being performed in the U.S. during 2014. Studies show that MRI exams are relatively safe, but many critics decry health officials for not considering the down side of these expensive tests. Experts estimate that 7% of MRIs are considered unnecessary with the most overprescribed MRI exams including cancer, knee and shoulder pain. To learn more about the uses of MRIs, checkout the infographic below created by Adventist University’s Online Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences.
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