PDF To Excel Conversion: Online PDF Tool For Business People
The large majority of businessmen frequently use the Portable Document Format in their everyday activities, but it is rather rare that they are closely familiar with the exact attributes and benefits of this adaptable format. Incepted in the early 90s, the PDF had the same mission it has today, and that is to alleviate the sharing (transfer) of document-type files among differing computers/devices. The secret ingredient that separates this format from the competition lies in its universal formatting (the way that all the data inside an individual file is placed), which makes the PDF completely viewable on every operating system and every tech device (tablets, smartphones, computers). It’s mostly used for MS Office files, ensuring their safe transfer between devices, and without the conversion of these files to PDF the possibility of severe glitches, bugs and issues would be a sure and unpleasant reality. The option to rearrange the formatting and save a PDF-copy of the document can be achieved directly from the MS Office programs, in the “Save As” sections.The previous passage explains the positive aspects of this format, and now we should focus on the downside of the PDF, which is relatively minor but nonetheless should be properly explained. Once the PDF is created out of another file, it no longer has the editable attributes of the original native document, leaving the receiver of the file completely unable to make any kinds of changes to the document. This type of problem requires a specifically designed software that takes all the data from the non-editable PDF, and accordingly re-arranges it, returning the file to its original format (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
Out of all Microsoft Office programs, Excel is undeniably the most-used among them, which is justified by the enormous range of different operations that can be achieved by using it, and more operations automatically mean more business occupations that rely heavily on it. Since the demand for converting PDFs to Excel is the most likely scenario, we’ll share with you a simple yet quite an effective free tool that we uncovered online.

PDF to Excel functions by firstly selecting the PDF document in question (which can be done either from the hard drive of your device or directly from the web using Google Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox).
After the uploading, the tool starts with the conversion by itself, which usually doesn’t last for more than a minute, depending on the size of the file. The progress will be shown like in the pic below.

As soon as the transformation is complete, the download button will appear.

This tool doesn’t ask for any kind of log-in details or other personal info, and it has a vast number of languages available (English, German, French, Japanese, Italian, Greek, Chinese, Dutch, Turkish etc). Also, all files that go through PDFtoExcel’s servers are deleted forever three times a day, so the user's privacy is protected and absolute. Make sure to try it when you have a tricky PDF wreaking havoc in your work day!