An emergency food supply is not something to be taken lightly. There are many things to consider when creating one, so the best course of action is to educate yourself before you make any decisions. This blog post will teach you all about what to consider when creating an emergency food supply—from what types of foods are necessary and how much you'll need for each person in your family, to ways to keep your supplies fresh. Without further ado, here are the basics of building an emergency store.
A Is for the Apocalypse. (No, Seriously.)
If you're building an emergency food supply, then the apocalypse is probably on your mind. It's no fun thinking about being prepared for something that may never happen. But it always pays to be ready just in case! With all the uncertainty going around these days, I'm sure most people have given some thought to what they would do if disaster struck.
B Is for the Basics
You'll want to make sure you have the basics covered when it comes to food. This means stocking up on grains, beans, canned fruits and vegetables, and shelf-stable milk. These foods will keep without refrigeration and provide you with the nutrients you need to stay healthy.
C Is for Calories
It's important to remember that you're not just thinking about sustenance, but also about calories when stocking your emergency food supply. You'll want foods that will provide you with enough energy to get through whatever situation you may find yourself in. This means packing plenty of protein to keep you energized.
D Is for Dry Goods
Stocking up on non-perishable dry goods ensures that you'll still be able to feed yourself and your family even if the power goes out in your area. This means cereal boxes without milk (breakfast!) or crackers. You can also add canned goods like tuna, fruit, and vegetables, which last longer than dry items but require refrigeration to remain edible.
E Is for Emergency Kits
You'll need more than just food in your kit! There are some things you should keep on hand at all times that will make it easier to deal with whatever emergency you may find yourself in. Things like a manual can opener, flashlights, batteries, and non-perishable toiletries are all necessities that you should keep on hand to ensure your family’s comfort.
F Is for Family
When building an emergency food supply, it's important to remember that you're not just stocking for yourself, but for your whole family. Make sure to calculate how much food you'll need to cover everyone in your household. Keep food preferences and dietary restrictions in mind as well. You may need to stock up on organic foods or avoid gluten to meet everyone’s needs. And don't forget about those furry family members, either! They'll also need food and water during an emergency.
Building an emergency food supply may seem daunting, but it can be surprisingly simple when you break down the process. Now you know what to consider when creating an emergency food supply. By following the ABCs listed in this post, you'll be well on your way to ensuring that you and your loved ones will have the sustenance you need during times of crisis. So don't wait—get started today!