Emergencies can strike at any time and cause various problems that you can’t solve with typical items lying around. That’s why creating plans and carrying equipment for these emergencies can be very wise. Luckily, experts develop lists of the equipment you’ll need in an emergency situation so that you can prepare well. Here’s a simple list of the most common equipment and items you should keep nearby.
One of the most dangerous things that can happen during an emergency is a loss of lighting. Without light, even normally safe spaces can be hazardous, as you risk tripping or getting lost. You should always bring a flashlight separate from your phone that works off batteries or hand-cranking for emergency use.
Portable Radio
Large-scale emergencies can limit the typical flow of news and information, cutting you off from vital news and instructions. However, a portable radio can link you back in and help you get the information you need. As with the flashlight, a radio that can use batteries or hand cranks is ideal since you can power it at any time.
Communications Devices
Sometimes, a standard radio isn’t enough, and you need other ways to communicate with people. One option is to include two-way radios in your emergency kits. These help you communicate with others very easily. You just need to ensure you know how to maintain a two-way radio battery.
First Aid Kit
Injuries during an emergency can spell disaster for everyone involved if there’s no good way to treat it. Carrying around a first aid kit can save lives in an emergency and alleviate your worries. You’re typically better off buying a premade kit when shopping for one of these.
Food and Water
Although these don’t necessarily qualify as equipment, they can often be highly important. People can’t live without a good supply of food and water, even for just a few days. That’s why setting aside rations and bottled water can save you and anyone with you.
This isn’t all the equipment you’ll need in an emergency situation, but all these items can be extremely helpful. Including all these items in your emergency kits will help you greatly if you face an emergency.