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Global World Topics

Essential Pieces of Equipment for Manufacturing Plants

Manufacturing is a booming industry that requires specialized tools to complete tasks. Employees go through rigorous training to learn how to run and maintain these machines without jeopardizing their own safety.

While some devices may vary depending on the nature of their products, others are vital to every factory. Whether you’re looking for ways to optimize your manufacturing business or are trying to start one of your own, here are some essential pieces of equipment for manufacturing plants.

Conveyor Belts

Successful manufacturing facilities use conveyor belts to move products and materials throughout the work floor. Conveyors are incredibly useful in increasing efficiency; instead of employing staff to transport goods around the factory, conveyor systems do the heavy lifting for you at a much higher speed and with a greater degree of accuracy. If you want to add value to your plant, consider integrating conveyor belt systems into your production line.

Laser-Cutting Machines

All facilities need versatile devices like laser-cutting machines that can alter a wide array of materials. Manufacturing plants need these essential pieces of equipment to diversify their production and create high-quality products. Laser-cutting machines are capable of cutting through wood, steel, and even glass and can adapt to cut different shapes and sizes depending on need. No matter how intricate a cut needs to be, laser-cutting machines can get the job done with surprising levels of precision.

Paper-Cutting Machines

Paper-cutting machines are vital to the overall productivity of a manufacturing facility. These tools can package and fulfill orders at lightning speed without compromising quality. Most paper-cutting machines perform all packaging functions, including paper-feeding and sealing. Devices like these decrease downtime by automating and completing the packaging process faster than human employees could, allowing staff more time for other tasks.

Electric Motors

Manufacturing plants need a lot of energy to power their tools and heavy machinery. That’s why every production site needs electric motors. Industrial motors don’t just provide power to these pieces of equipment—they also perform essential functions for the plant, like running the electricity that powers AC units, lights, and elevators. These pieces of equipment require special care, so make sure you know how to operate and maintain them before buying an electric motor.

Manufacturing plants can only perform at their best when they have the right tools at their disposal. Now that you know which pieces of equipment are nonnegotiable, you can make informed decisions about your own business.

YouTube World News Playlists

United Nations Video: Quantum technology will impact peace & security in many significant ways - Security Council Briefing

Quantum technology will impact peace & security in many significant ways - Security Council Briefing
Play Video: Quantum technology will impact peace & security in many significant ways - Security Council Briefing

Briefing by Robin Geiss, The Director of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, on anticipating the impact of scientific developments on international peace and security, during the Security Council, 9753rd meeting. ---------------- The Director of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Robin Geiss, today (21 Oct) told the Security Council that as the scientific and technological landscape evolves at a “blistering pace, we often lack a clear sense of what is being developed, by whom, and with which resulting impacts, including for international peace and security.” Geiss, briefing a Council meeting on “anticipating the impact of scientific developments on international peace and security,” said “within the next 5 to 10 years, quantum technology will impact peace and security in many significant ways.” First, he said, “it will disrupt information and communication security by making traditional encryption techniques ineffective and therefore obsolete.” Second, he continued, “quantum sensors will enable the detection of objects underground or underwater, revolutionizing warfare, on the one hand, and monitoring and verification efforts, on the other.” Finally, Geiss added, “quantum computing will unlock a new era for AI by enabling computation of models that cannot currently be run on even the most powerful computers.” Also briefing the Council, the President of the Foundation Council (DCAF) at the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance, Amin Awad called on member states to “act with courage and foresight to ensure that emerging technologies fulfil their promise to advance global peace and security.” Awad said, scientific advancements in neurotechnology, synthetic biology, artificial intelligence and quantum computing are already reshaping our world,” and added that “no effort should be spared to ensure these developments are for the benefit of human and not for evil.” For her part, Japan’s Ambassador for Science and Technology, Kaji Misako, said, “the world must join forces to support innovation while properly mitigating the risks and misuse of emerging technologies,” and noted that Japan “has led the international discussion on the governance of advanced AI systems to achieve safe, secure, trustworthy AI, including through the Hiroshima AI process, launched in May 2023.” Speaking to reporters outside the Council before the briefing, Swiss Ambassador Pascale Christine Baeriswyl, joined by her Sierra Leonian and Slovenian counterparts, said “rapid scientific advances can accelerate the realization of the aspirations of the United Nations across all three pillars of its work sustainable development, human rights, as well as peace and security. We intend to prepare the Council for the future to act early and manage uncertainty. To that end, we will seek expert advice and collaborate with academic and research institutions to provide the Council with the needed evidence based information.” Council members are currently negotiating a draft presidential statement proposed by Switzerland in connection with today’s meeting on the impacts of scientific developments on peace and security.

Published: 22nd Oct 2024 03:00:48   By: United Nations

United Nations Video: Ukraine: 97 percent of prisoners provided accounts of torture - DPPA Briefing | United Nations

Ukraine: 97 percent of prisoners provided accounts of torture - DPPA Briefing | United Nations
Play Video: Ukraine: 97 percent of prisoners provided accounts of torture - DPPA Briefing | United Nations

Briefing by Miroslav Jenča, Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and Americas, Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations, on Maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine. ----------------------- Briefing the Security Council Miroslav Jenča, Assistant Secretary-General for Peace Affairs said, “widespread and systematic reports of torture of Ukrainian prisoners of war remains a grave concern. 97 percent of Ukrainian prisoners interviewed by OHCHR since March 2023 provided consistent and detailed accounts of torture or ill-treatment during captivity. 68 percent reported sexual violence.” Jenčan also highlighted the civilian toll of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, citing data from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). Jenča said, “since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, launched in violation of the UN Charter and international law, 11,973 civilians, including 622 children, have been killed. 25,943 people, including 1,686 children, have been injured. He also raised concerns about renewed attacks on Ukrainian Black Sea ports, which have damaged six civilian vessels and grain infrastructure since September. “Wheat prices have increased more than six percent between 1 September and 14 October,” he noted, attributing the spike to these attacks.”

Published: 22nd Oct 2024 02:00:47   By: United Nations

United Nations Video: Africa deserves a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, UN Chief says | United Nations

Africa deserves a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, UN Chief says | United Nations
Play Video: Africa deserves a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, UN Chief says | United Nations

Speaking at the inauguration of a renovated Africa Hall in Addis Ababa, Secretary-General António Guterres said the continent deserved a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council. He also called for resolute action and renewed solidarity to help Africa rise to its challenges. ---------------- Secretary-General António Guterres today (21 Oct) in Addis Ababa said, "there is now a consensus from Member States that the Security Council must be reformed, and there is a consensus of all Member States that the key aspect of that reform is to have two African members as permanent members of the Security Council." Guterres, who took part in the 8th African Union–United Nations annual conference said, "Africa faces enormous obstacles to its development” which are “deeply rooted in the colonial legacy.” Speaking at a joint press conference after meeting with the African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat, he said, “African countries gained independence with their economies and to a certain extent, their societies distorted by the interests of the colonial powers that organized their economies to the benefits of the colonists." The Secretary-General announced that, “we just decided to create the common working group with the Economic Commission for Africa and the African Union Commission to do serious research, to allow to contribute to the creation of an African strategy to bridge the digital divide and the Artificial Intelligence divide, and to overcome all the enormous structural difficulties and impediments that exist today, and to be able to claim the resources that will be necessary for it to be possible.” The AU – UN high-level discussions, co-chaired by Faki and the Secretary-General, focused on progress in the implementation of cooperation frameworks between the two organizations, as well as the operationalization of Security Council resolution 2719, which establishes the framework for financing of African Union-led peace support operations through UN assessed contributions. Participants also discussed joint action, as well as challenges linked to peace, security, development, human rights and the impact of climate change on the African continent. Discussions also included the implementation of the Pact for the Future. The Secretary-General also participated in a ceremony for the inauguration of a renovated Africa Hall. This hall was built for the Organization of African Unity, now the African Union.

Published: 22nd Oct 2024 01:00:10   By: United Nations

United Nations Video: Gaza, Lebanon/Humanitarian, Biodiversity COP & other topics - Daily Press Briefing (21 Oct 2024)

Gaza, Lebanon/Humanitarian, Biodiversity COP & other topics - Daily Press Briefing (21 Oct 2024)
Play Video: Gaza, Lebanon/Humanitarian, Biodiversity COP & other topics - Daily Press Briefing (21 Oct 2024)

Noon briefing by Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesperson for the Secretary-General. Highlights: -Gaza -Occupied Palestinian Territory -UNIFIL -Lebanon/Humanitarian -Secretary-General/travel -Biodiversity COP -Ukraine -Cuba -Security Council -Chad -Mozambique -Briefing today GAZA The Secretary-General unequivocally condemns the continuing and widespread loss of life in Gaza, including in the Israeli airstrikes in Beit Lahia, which killed dozens of Palestinians, among them many women and children. Civilians must be respected and protected at all times. He remains deeply alarmed by the rapidly deteriorating situation for civilians in northern Gaza, including mass displacement and the lack of essentials for survival. The Secretary-General calls for immediate and unhindered access for humanitarian and rescue teams to save lives. The recent attacks that have hit hospitals in North Gaza are exacerbating an already dire humanitarian crisis and placing the lives of tens of thousands at grave risk. Patients and medical staff must be protected. Hospitals must not be targeted. Access to essential medical care and supplies must be prioritized to prevent further loss of life. The violations of international humanitarian law that we are witnessing in Gaza by all parties to this conflict are unacceptable. Accountability for any international crimes that have been committed by any party is essential. The Secretary-General reiterates his calls for an immediate ceasefire and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages in Gaza. Tor Wennesland, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, said yesterday that the nightmare in Gaza is intensifying. Nowhere is safe in Gaza, Mr. Wennesland said. He condemned the continuing attacks on civilians. This war must end, the hostages held by Hamas must be freed, the displacement of Palestinians must cease, and civilians must be protected wherever they are. Humanitarian aid must be delivered unimpeded, he added. Joyce Msuya, the Acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, also drew attention to the appalling news from northern Gaza, where Palestinians continue to endure unspeakable horrors under siege by Israeli forces. These atrocities must stop, she said. OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORY The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports that an urgent request to access the Falouja area of Jabalya to help those trapped under the rubble was denied by Israeli authorities for the fourth consecutive day. These delays are likely costing lives. OCHA says that Israeli authorities also denied a separate request today to have access to Jabalya to distribute food, medicine, and fuel to power water facilities, amid the ongoing electricity outage. The fuel needed to keep water facilities running has been depleted, and people are either risking their lives to find drinking water or consuming water from unsafe sources. OCHA warns that almost no humanitarian aid is getting into Jabalya refugee camp, and telecommunications are severely disrupted amid ongoing airstrikes, shelling, and fighting across North Gaza, as the violence displaces more and more people. Between 6 October and yesterday, OCHA says that 28 requests for coordinated humanitarian movements into Jabalya, Beit Hanoun, and Beit Lahia – all in North Gaza Governorate – were denied by Israeli authorities, and seven faced impediments. Meanwhile, during the first 20 days of October, only 4 out of 66 planned humanitarian missions through the Israeli checkpoint from southern to northern Gaza were facilitated by Israeli authorities. The Erez West crossing reopened a week ago after a closure lasting almost two weeks, but collecting supplies remains challenging due to insecurity and long delays. The Israeli authorities are channeling movement from that crossing directly to Gaza City, bypassing North Gaza. Meanwhile, the Erez crossing remains closed. OCHA teams have been able to work in Gaza City. On Saturday, OCHA led a visit to several sites there. They say that shelter support is urgently needed due to overcrowding at existing sites, with some displaced people now living in restrooms. The team also warns that the lack of sufficient lighting in these shelters is raising the risk of gender-based violence. On the ongoing polio vaccination campaign, the World Health Organization reports that on the second day of the polio vaccination campaign in the south, nearly 91,000 children received their second dose, with almost 71,000 getting vitamin A supplements. WHO says this brings the total number of children vaccinated since the start of the second round of the campaign to more than 420,000. Full Highlights:

Published: 21st Oct 2024 05:51:50   By: United Nations

United Nations Video: Sierra Leone, Slovenia & Switzerland on the Joint Action for the New Agenda for Peace-Media Stakeout

Sierra Leone, Slovenia & Switzerland on the Joint Action for the New Agenda for Peace-Media Stakeout
Play Video: Sierra Leone, Slovenia & Switzerland on the Joint Action for the New Agenda for Peace-Media Stakeout

Joint comments to the media by the Security Council Presidency Trio for Conflict Prevention: Sierra Leone, Slovenia and Switzerland on the Joint Action for the New Agenda for Peace.

Published: 21st Oct 2024 02:28:12   By: United Nations

CNN Video: Trump served fries at McDonald’s for a day. Analysts debate if it was a savvy campaign move

Trump served fries at McDonald’s for a day. Analysts debate if it was a savvy campaign move
Play Video: Trump served fries at McDonald’s for a day. Analysts debate if it was a savvy campaign move

CNN’s Abby Phillip and her panel of experts discuss former President Donald Trump’s stop at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s, where he worked the fry station and the drive-thru for a day. #CNN #News

Published: 22nd Oct 2024 03:02:09   By: CNN

CNN Video: What voters in battleground states are thinking 15 days out from Election Day

What voters in battleground states are thinking 15 days out from Election Day
Play Video: What voters in battleground states are thinking 15 days out from Election Day

#CNN #News

Published: 22nd Oct 2024 12:24:09   By: CNN

CNN Video: ‘It’s a thorny issue’: Honig on legality of Musk’s daily $1M giveaway to voters

‘It’s a thorny issue’: Honig on legality of Musk’s daily $1M giveaway to voters
Play Video: ‘It’s a thorny issue’: Honig on legality of Musk’s daily $1M giveaway to voters

Tech billionaire Elon Musk announced that he will give away $1 million each day to registered voters in battleground states, immediately drawing scrutiny from election law experts who said the sweepstakes could violate laws against paying people to register. CNN's senior legal analyst Elie Honig weighs in. #CNN #News

Published: 21st Oct 2024 11:48:19   By: CNN

CNN Video: Wolf Blitzer breaks down Trump’s recent ‘offensive’ remarks on campaign trail

Wolf Blitzer breaks down Trump’s recent ‘offensive’ remarks on campaign trail
Play Video: Wolf Blitzer breaks down Trump’s recent ‘offensive’ remarks on campaign trail

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and a panel of political experts discuss former President Donald Trump’s rhetoric toward political opponents ahead of the presidential election. #CNN #News

Published: 21st Oct 2024 10:41:05   By: CNN

CNN Video: ‘Central Park Five’ members sue Trump for defamation after his debate comments on 1989 case

‘Central Park Five’ members sue Trump for defamation after his debate comments on 1989 case
Play Video: ‘Central Park Five’ members sue Trump for defamation after his debate comments on 1989 case

Members of the “Central Park Five” sued former President Donald Trump over “false and defamatory” statements they allege he made about their 1989 case during a presidential debate last month. CNN's Katelyn Polantz reports. #CNN #News

Published: 21st Oct 2024 06:53:17   By: CNN

BBC News Video: Lebanon says 13 killed in Israeli strike near southern Beirut hospital | BBC News

Lebanon says 13 killed in Israeli strike near southern Beirut hospital | BBC News
Play Video: Lebanon says 13 killed in Israeli strike near southern Beirut hospital | BBC News

Thirteen people including a child have been killed in an Israeli air strike near the main government hospital in southern Beirut, the Lebanese health ministry says. It was among 13 air strikes that hit south Beirut on Monday evening. The Israeli military said it was attacking facilities linked to Hezbollah. Elsewhere in the Middle East, the head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees said Israel is continuing to prevent humanitarian missions from reaching northern Gaza with critical supplies, including food and medicine. The Israeli military has been intensifying a weeks-long offensive in parts of northern Gaza against what it said were Hamas fighters who had regrouped there. Subscribe here: For more news, analysis and features visit: #Lebanon #Israel #Gaza #BBCNews

Published: 22nd Oct 2024 10:37:31   By: BBC News

BBC News Video: Russia denies interfering with votes in Moldova | BBC News

Russia denies interfering with votes in Moldova | BBC News
Play Video: Russia denies interfering with votes in Moldova | BBC News

People in Moldova have backed the Eastern European country's proposed changes to its constitution and commitment to joining the EU by the thinnest of margins in a referendum.The referendum had been widely expected to comfortably pass in the country of 2.6 million, which borders Romania and Ukraine. The vote was combined with presidential elections in which Maia Sandu, the incumbent pro-EU president, failed to win re-election outright and faces a second round next month. In recent weeks Moldovan authorities uncovered a giant scheme of payments coming from Moscow – and paid to people to vote against Sandu and the EU referendum. Russia denies the allegations of meddling. On Monday, the Kremlin branded Moldova's votes as "unfree". Subscribe here: For more news, analysis and features visit: #Russia #Moldova #BBCNews

Published: 21st Oct 2024 07:09:36   By: BBC News

BBC News Video: More babies could have been harmed under Lucy Letby's care, new evidence suggests | BBC News

More babies could have been harmed under Lucy Letby
Play Video: More babies could have been harmed under Lucy Letby's care, new evidence suggests | BBC News

New evidence seen by the BBC suggests more babies in Lucy Letby’s care were harmed – and in one case poisoned with insulin. The former nurse was found guilty of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder seven others - including trying to kill two with insulin at the Countess of Chester Hospital neonatal unit between June 2015 and June 2016. BBC One's Panorama has seen documents which suggest a third baby may have also been poisoned within hours of Letby taking over the boy’s care. Panorama has also discovered that potentially life-threatening incidents involving infants occurred on almost a third of Letby’s 33 shifts while she was training at Liverpool Women's Hospital in 2012 and 2015. The programme’s revelations follow months of criticism of the prosecution’s case in her first trial. A number of experts have challenged the medical evidence used to convict Letby, as well as the way statistics were put forward in court. Subscribe here: For more news, analysis and features visit: #BBCNews

Published: 21st Oct 2024 05:30:03   By: BBC News

BBC News Video: US envoy in Beirut as ceasefire talks under way | BBC News

US envoy in Beirut as ceasefire talks under way | BBC News
Play Video: US envoy in Beirut as ceasefire talks under way | BBC News

US President Joe Biden’s Middle East envoy Amos Hochstein has arrived in Beirut in an attempt to find a negotiated end to the war between Hezbollah and Israel. Hochstein says all parties are working on producing a formula that brings an end to the Israel-Hezbollah conflict "once and for all". It is his first visit to Lebanon since Israel escalated its military campaign against Hezbollah four weeks ago. On his previous trips Hochstein has tried, and failed, to prevent the war which has inflicted a heavy toll on people and infrastructure in Lebanon. Israel has carried out several air strikes across Lebanon, saying it is targeting branches of a bank used by Hezbollah. Subscribe here: For more news, analysis and features visit: #Lebanon #US #Israel #BBCNews

Published: 21st Oct 2024 04:15:00   By: BBC News

BBC News Video: Alpaca sneezes on King Charles. #KingCharles #Royals #BBCNews

Alpaca sneezes on King Charles. #KingCharles #Royals #BBCNews
Play Video: Alpaca sneezes on King Charles. #KingCharles #Royals #BBCNews

Published: 21st Oct 2024 03:54:17   By: BBC News

ODN Video: Israeli Strikes Hit Hezbollah’s Key Bank Across Lebanon

Israeli Strikes Hit Hezbollah’s Key Bank Across Lebanon
Play Video: Israeli Strikes Hit Hezbollah’s Key Bank Across Lebanon

Israel has carried out air strikes across Lebanon targeting branches of a bank used by Hezbollah, as they seek to disrupt the militant group’s finances. According to a senior Israeli intelligence official, the strikes targeted al-Qard al-Hassan "all over Lebanon”. Hezbollah uses this specific bank to pay operatives and purchase arms, as alleged by the official. The bank has since issued a statement, saying the attacks are a sign of the "bankruptcy of the enemy" and accusing Israel of hitting “social targets”. They also said they have taken all measures "to preserve the trust of people's deposits and save their lives" since the start of the conflict. #beirut #israel #hezbollah Subscribe here: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:

Published: 21st Oct 2024 02:06:30   By: On Demand News

ODN Video: LIVE: Thick Smoke Rises in Beirut as Israeli Airstrikes Continue

LIVE: Thick Smoke Rises in Beirut as Israeli Airstrikes Continue
Play Video: LIVE: Thick Smoke Rises in Beirut as Israeli Airstrikes Continue

Live of Beirut skyline after the Israeli government said a drone was launched toward Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s house in Caesarea, northern Israel, on Saturday, with no casualties. Subscribe here: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:

Published: 20th Oct 2024 03:28:50   By: On Demand News

ODN Video: LIVE: Thick Smoke Rises From Israeli Airstrikes on Beirut

LIVE: Thick Smoke Rises From Israeli Airstrikes on Beirut
Play Video: LIVE: Thick Smoke Rises From Israeli Airstrikes on Beirut

Live of Beirut skyline after the Israeli government said a drone was launched toward Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s house in Caesarea, northern Israel, on Saturday, with no casualties. Subscribe here: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:

Published: 19th Oct 2024 04:29:17   By: On Demand News

ODN Video: Hezbollah 'Suicide Drone' Targets Netanyahu's Home in Israel

Play Video: Hezbollah 'Suicide Drone' Targets Netanyahu's Home in Israel

Benjamin Netanyahu’s home was targeted by a Hezbollah drone in an unprecedented attempted attack. Unverified videos appear to show a ‘suicide drone’ flying towards the PM’s residence in Caesarea, passing by a helicopter. Neither Netanyahu or his wife were home at the time of the attack, which caused no casualties. Subscribe here: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:

Published: 19th Oct 2024 03:21:23   By: On Demand News

ODN Video: New Intense Combat Footage Shows Hezbollah Fighting IDF in Lebanon

New Intense Combat Footage Shows Hezbollah Fighting IDF in Lebanon
Play Video: New Intense Combat Footage Shows Hezbollah Fighting IDF in Lebanon

This dramatic combat footage, first shown on Israeli TV, reportedly shows IDF reservists battling Hezbollah militants, close to the entrance of a tunnel in southern Lebanon. After an exchange of gunfire, Israeli troops use grenades to enter the building… before a wounded soldier is evacuated. It shows the changing nature of the war since Israel’s ground invasion of the country began in early October. For months, the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah appeared limited to exchanges of missiles across the border. But now, engagements are being fought at much closer quarters. One of Israel’s stated aims is to destroy the Hezbollah tunnel network which allows militants to move unseen close to their border. Just like in Gaza, these tunnels also have the potential to allow small numbers of fighters to mount an effective guerilla resistance. In one clip, a suspected Hezbollah militant emerges from a tunnel shaft after a tense exchange with Israeli troops. Where possible, the IDF tries to take out opponents without putting its ground troops at risk, targetting the enemy with drones, for example. Unlike Hamas, Hezbollah have released only a few clips of their armed forces in frontline combat since the invasion began. Though they do occasionally release slick propaganda videos to show off their military capabilitie. One reportedly shows their elite Radwan forces in training, while another was published to mark one year of war with Israel. With more Israeli troops now entering Lebanon to increase the scope of their ground operations, it seems unlikely that this conflict will be resolved any time soon. Subscribe here: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: If you wish to purchase any of our clips for commercial use, please visit:

Published: 19th Oct 2024 12:00:14   By: On Demand News

CBC Video: Liberal Party led by Susan Holt wins majority in N.B provincial election

Liberal Party led by Susan Holt wins majority in N.B provincial election
Play Video: Liberal Party led by Susan Holt wins majority in N.B provincial election

The Liberal Party under Susan Holt won the majority of seats in the 2024 New Brunswick election. The party made huge gains in the three big cities of southern New Brunswick. #NewBrunswick #CBCNews #Election Read more: 00:00 - Intro 00:13:37 - Overview of party leaders 00:20:38 - Analysis 01:06:00 - CBC News projects Liberal majority 01:29:42 - Green Party Leader David Coon’s election night speech 01:45:38 - Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs’s election night speech 01:52:22 - Interview with David Coon 01:55:11 - Analysis 02:11:28 - Liberal Party Leader Susan Holt’s election night speech 02:37:38 - Interview with Blaine Higgs 02:42:47 - Analysis 02:48:01 - Interview with Susan Holt 02:53:40 - Analysis and voting breakdown 03:19:46 - Final check-ins at party HQs »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: Follow CBC News on TikTok: Follow CBC News on Twitter: Find CBC News on Facebook: Follow CBC News on Instagram: Subscribe to CBC News on Snapchat: Download the CBC News app for iOS: Download the CBC News app for Android: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio,, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.

Published: 22nd Oct 2024 02:12:16   By: CBC News

CBC Video: Frozen waffles recalled in Canada and U.S. due to possible Listeria

Frozen waffles recalled in Canada and U.S. due to possible Listeria
Play Video: Frozen waffles recalled in Canada and U.S. due to possible Listeria

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) hasn’t posted a recall advisory yet, but multiple brands sold in Canada are included on TreeHouse Foods’ list of affected products. #Recall #Listeria #Waffles #Grocery #News #CBCNews Read more: »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: Follow CBC News on TikTok: Follow CBC News on Twitter: Find CBC News on Facebook: Follow CBC News on Instagram: Subscribe to CBC News on Snapchat: Download the CBC News app for iOS: Download the CBC News app for Android: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio,, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.

Published: 22nd Oct 2024 12:27:35   By: CBC News

CBC Video: Thieves targeted seniors and their gold, Montreal police say

Thieves targeted seniors and their gold, Montreal police say
Play Video: Thieves targeted seniors and their gold, Montreal police say

Montreal police recently arrested two people who, they allege, had been robbing people of their gold. It's unclear if the arrests are related to a number of other gold-related scams in the area. »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: Follow CBC News on TikTok: Follow CBC News on Twitter: Find CBC News on Facebook: Follow CBC News on Instagram: Subscribe to CBC News on Snapchat: Download the CBC News app for iOS: Download the CBC News app for Android: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio,, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.

Published: 22nd Oct 2024 12:16:11   By: CBC News

CBC Video: What happened during Day 1 of the new Ontario legislative session

What happened during Day 1 of the new Ontario legislative session
Play Video: What happened during Day 1 of the new Ontario legislative session

The Ontario Legislature returned to Queen's Park on Monday after a 19-week break. CBC’s Lorenda Reddekopp breaks down what happened at Monday's opening session. »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: Follow CBC News on TikTok: Follow CBC News on Twitter: Find CBC News on Facebook: Follow CBC News on Instagram: Subscribe to CBC News on Snapchat: Download the CBC News app for iOS: Download the CBC News app for Android: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio,, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.

Published: 21st Oct 2024 11:29:27   By: CBC News

CBC Video: What could the B.C. election results mean for the federal parties? | Power & Politics

What could the B.C. election results mean for the federal parties? | Power & Politics
Play Video: What could the B.C. election results mean for the federal parties? | Power & Politics

The CBC's Dan Burritt lays out what we know about B.C.'s still-undecided election. Then the Power Panel digs into what provincial gains and losses in B.C. could tell us about the next federal election. »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: Connect with CBC News Online: For breaking news, video, audio and in-depth coverage: Follow CBC News on TikTok: Follow CBC News on Twitter: Find CBC News on Facebook: Follow CBC News on Instagram: Subscribe to CBC News on Snapchat: Download the CBC News app for iOS: Download the CBC News app for Android: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» For more than 80 years, CBC News has been the source Canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. Through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including CBC Television, CBC News Network, CBC Radio,, mobile and on-demand, CBC News and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to Canadians.

Published: 21st Oct 2024 11:03:17   By: CBC News

International Video: Israel continues to block aid agencies from Gaza

Israel continues to block aid agencies from Gaza
Play Video: Israel continues to block aid agencies from Gaza

Reports from Gaza claim at least 33 people have been killed in Israeli airstrikes - and claim the Israeli military has tightened its siege around a refugee camp in the north. [Subscribe:] The UN says around 20,000 people fled the Jabalia camp yesterday where Israel claims it is targeting Hamas fighters. Meanwhile a drone targeted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's private home in Caesarea in northern Israel although he wasn't there at the time. ------- Get more news at our site - Follow us: TikTok - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook -

Published: 19th Oct 2024 04:38:35   By: Channel 4 News

International Video: Ukraine and Russia swap prisoners of war in deal brokered by UAE

Ukraine and Russia swap prisoners of war in deal brokered by UAE
Play Video: Ukraine and Russia swap prisoners of war in deal brokered by UAE

95 Ukrainian prisoners of war have been returned home - with the same number of Russians exchanged in a deal brokered by the United Arab Emirates. (Subscribe: Overnight, Russia launched more than a hundred missiles and drones across Ukraine - leaving four people dead and causing power blackouts in three regions. ----------------------- Follow us: Facebook - Twitter - TikTok - Instagram -

Published: 19th Oct 2024 04:12:44   By: Channel 4 News

International Video: Millions left without electricity in Cuba suffers two nationwide blackouts

Millions left without electricity in Cuba suffers two nationwide blackouts
Play Video: Millions left without electricity in Cuba suffers two nationwide blackouts

Cuba has been plunged into a nationwide blackout for the second time just hours after officials said power was restored. (Subscribe: 10 million residents are left without electricity forcing schools and businesses to shut down. Officials from the communist nation have blamed ageing infrastructure, damage from recent hurricanes and US economic sanctions for the widespread power cuts. ----------------------- Follow us: Facebook - Twitter - TikTok - Instagram -

Published: 19th Oct 2024 03:53:49   By: Channel 4 News

International Video: Toxic foam covers river in India

Toxic foam covers river in India
Play Video: Toxic foam covers river in India

A thick toxic foam, made of sewage and industrial waste, has covered a large, scared river in India. The froth comes as the air pollution level in New Delhi has dropped to 'poor'. [Subscribe:] ------- Get more news at our site - Follow us: TikTok - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook -

Published: 18th Oct 2024 04:45:38   By: Channel 4 News

International Video: How AI is making the dark world of child sex abuse imagery even worse

How AI is making the dark world of child sex abuse imagery even worse
Play Video: How AI is making the dark world of child sex abuse imagery even worse

The rise of artificial intelligence is enabling abusers to create sexual images and videos of children and share them online - a deeply disturbing trend that’s quickly growing. [Subscribe:] The Internet Watch Foundation found more web pages containing AI-generated child sex abuse imagery in the last six months than the whole of the previous year. The illegal content is not just hidden on the dark web, 99% of the findings were on sites easily accessible by the public. If you have been affected by any issues in this report please go to Warning, there is distressing content in this report. ------- Get more news at our site - Follow us: TikTok - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook -

Published: 18th Oct 2024 02:04:35   By: Channel 4 News

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